Dentist Application
Dentist Application is user-friendly desktop application designed specifically to streamline clinic operations and simplify management for doctors and their staff. Built with the needs of doctors in mind, it offers an intuitive interface that can be easily mastered by clinic personnel. It offers a range of features to streamline operations:
Patient Management:
Storing patient information (name, contact details, etc.).
Detailed patient history, including medical conditions, allergies, and past dental treatments.
Tracking of patient visits and appointments.
Appointment Scheduling:
Manage patient appointments by assigning unique numbers within each
morning/afternoon shift, ensuring clear organization and patient flow
throughout the day.
Teeth Complaints and Visits:
Detailed tracking of specific teeth issues and associated patient visits.
Visualization of tooth-related data.
Billing :
Generate invoices and handle patient payments efficiently.
Track outstanding balances and manage patient accounts.
Analytics and Reporting:
Generate customizable reports on patient visits, Daily, monthly, and yearly clinic reports and financial performance.
Gain valuable insights into clinic operations to make data-driven decisions.
Ready to get started? or Curious how it works? Download the brochure and user manual
User Manual PDF Password: application12345
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User Manual
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